

Try our e-learning robotics and electronics courses!




"LattePanda ROS2 Robot" Chapter 1 Robot Part Setup
"LattePanda ROS2 Robot" Chapter 1 Robot Part Setup

Build a ROS2 robot car to learn Visual SLAM, localization, mapping, and navigation powered by Realsense 3D-camera.

ros2 robot mikrik lattepanda realsense
"LattePanda ROS2 Robot" Chapter 2 Control Computer Part with VSLAM Robotics SDK
"LattePanda ROS2 Robot" Chapter 2 Control Computer Part with VSLAM Robotics SDK

Create a wheeled robot based on Visual SLAM technology powered by LattePanda MU board, Realsense D435i camera, and Intel Robotics SDK software.

ros2 robot lattepanda mikrik realsense robotics sdk

"LattePanda ROS2 Robot" Chapter 2 Control Computer Part with VSLAM Robotics SDK
"LattePanda ROS2 Robot" Chapter 2 Control Computer Part with VSLAM Robotics SDK

Create a wheeled robot based on Visual SLAM technology powered by LattePanda MU board, Realsense D435i camera, and Intel Robotics SDK software.

ros2 robot lattepanda mikrik realsense robotics sdk
"LattePanda ROS2 Robot" Chapter 1 Robot Part Setup
"LattePanda ROS2 Robot" Chapter 1 Robot Part Setup

Build a ROS2 robot car to learn Visual SLAM, localization, mapping, and navigation powered by Realsense 3D-camera.

ros2 robot mikrik lattepanda realsense