1.1 Initial Course Explanation
I invite you to use a DFRobot LattePanda MU single-board computer to build a ROS2 powered robot featuring Robotics SDK and Realsense 3D Vision camera technology.
A development Robotics SDK software aimed to boost development of the AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robots) robots in logistics, last-mile delivery and industrial automatisation service fields. I say Robotics SDK product is a Robotics OS for robot OEMs manufacturers. This robust solution upgrades mobile robots with the most cutting-edge, industrial-grade functionality available at Intel.
Robotics SDK equips AMR robots with essential autonomy skills for precise localization and navigation, complemented by an advanced set of ITS Path Planned Navigation Plugins. It works using Intel-proprietary algorithms and products like ADBSCAN, CollabSLAM. These products facilitate seamless and autonomous operation.
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