4.2 Configure Ethernet Connection
Now configure Ethernet communication with the robot part.
Setup a Wired connection on your freshly-installed Ubuntu system following screenshots below.
Step 4.2.1 Choose Settings -> Wired Connection
Step 4.2.2 Click on the "gear" icon on the left, and open a new window. Here check that Details tab looks the same as mine. Hardware address will be different.
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Step 4.2.3 Go to Identity tab. Name is doesn't matter, I put "Rpi". MAC Address choose from the drop-down list, on your system it will be different.
Step 4.2.4 IPv4 Tab. Set IP address It will be your LattePanda local IP address. Net mask Rest in DNS section keep the same.
Step 4.2.5 IPv6 tab. Disable it.
Step 4.2.6 Security tab. Security disabled, default setup.
Step 4.2.7 Reboot LattePand MU board.
Step 4.2.8 Ping robot part by running in LattePanda's Terminal command
LattePanda must reach robot's Raspberry board via Ethernet. Of course, make sure that Raspberry board is powered on.
All packages must be received
Step 4.2.9 The same way try to ping LattePanda from Raspberry side, it should also be able to reach LattePanda.
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