7.1 Launch Commands Localization Mode
Note: Assuming that ROS1-ROS2 bridge is still running.
Step 7.1.1 Launch Localization Mode
cd ~/mikrik_robotics_sdk/scripts/ ./realsense_collabslam_localization.sh
- After you launched localization mode, very important to check that your rviz opened correctly.
- Map created during the Mapping must be loaded, and visible in rviz, you must see moving TF-tree of the robot.
- Make sure that rviz title name on the top of window shows the path to the config file mikrik_server_localization_nav2.rviz.
- If it is not, then double check that path to the rviz config file is a correct in file below
Step 7.1.2 You will see rviz window with Localization mode running. You no need to close rviz window, proceed with navigation node setup.
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