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6.1 Launch Commands Mapping Mode Visual SLAM

Step 6.2.1 SSH and launch ROS1 node on Raspberry PI firstly. Install ssh on the system, if it was not installed.

ssh <username>@<raspberry-ip-address>

Step 6.2.2 Enter the mikrik/ros folder

cd ~/mikrik/ros

Step 6.2.3 Change to root

sudo su

Step 6.2.4 Source variables and launch all ROS1 nodes

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch mikrik_description bringup.launch

Step 6.2.5 SSH from your host computer to Radxa

ssh <username>@<radxa-ip-address>

Step 6.2.6 Launch VNC Server on LattePanda MU.

vncserver -localhost no -geometry 1920x1080 -depth 16 :42

Step 6.2.7 Next, open a terminal and execute the commands below to launch the bridge and mapping functionalities. Begin by starting the ROS1-ROS2 bridge on the LattePanda board.

cd ~/mikrik_robotics_sdk/scripts/

Step 6.2.8 In the second terminal tab, launch the Mapping Mode on your x86 LattePanda board.

cd ~/mikrik_robotics_sdk/scripts/

After launching the script, the RViz window will open. Enable the "Map" checkbox to display the 2D map in RViz. By default, this option is disabled.

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